Does Alchemy support parallel execution?

Posted 19 days ago by Chapala

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Does Alchemy support parallel execution? 

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TheBugScout posted 18 days ago

Yes, Alchemy supports parallel execution.

You can achieve this by executing your suite .jar file through the command prompt with the parallel testing command execution option.

Below is the command line option available for parallel execution:

-p, --threadcount <arg> — Specifies the maximum number of threads to run in parallel.

Let’s look at an simple example to understand this better:

Suppose you have created a suite with the execution location set to Integrated and recorded three tests.

As you have created the suite with Integrated, a default execution package would be added with three browsers: Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, with a maximum available of 2 resources for each browser.

Now Let's say, if you want to execute your three tests parallelly on only the Chrome browser, you have to remove Edge and Firefox from the execution package and keep only Chrome. Then, you have to set the maximum available for Chrome to 3, meaning three resources will be available for Chrome.

So, when you execute your suite executable by a command like java -jar "nameofyourjarfile.jar" -p 3, all three tests will start executing in parallelly on the Chrome browser.

We have a separate article on Command Line Execution in the Knowledge Base section.

Here is the link to that article:


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