What are "apiKey" and "secretKey" fields in Alchemy Gridworks integration, and how can I obtain the values needed for these fields?

Posted 6 months ago by Sanjay

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When I attempted to manually add the "Alchemy GridWorks" integration, I noticed two fields labeled "apiKey" and "secretKey." Could you clarify what values should be provided for these fields and where I can locate them? 

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PrasadLangoju posted 6 months ago Best Answer

In Alchemy, API keys and secret keys are used for authentication and authorization purposes.

API Key: This is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user or application when making API requests. It allows the automation tool to interact with external services or platforms securely.

Secret Key: This is a confidential key used in conjunction with the API key to verify the authenticity of the request. It ensures that the request is coming from an authorized source. The secret key is used in cryptographic processes to generate signatures or hashes that validate the request.

These keys help ensure secure communication between the Alchemy and external services, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that requests are properly authenticated.

To get these keys,

1. Click on the “My Profile” section in the side menu of the Alchemy home page.

2.  You will be redirected to the Alchemy web interface.

3.  Select the “Security” tab.

4.  Click on the “Create Key” button.

5.  From the dropdown menu, choose the “Cloud Execution” option.

6.  Click the “Create” button.

7.  The API and Secret keys will be displayed.

8.  Save these keys in a secure location on your local system.

9.  Note that you will not be able to retrieve the same Secret key again, so ensure it is stored safely.

10.Open the “Alchemy GridWorks” integration and enter the API key and Secret key in the respective fields.

11. Check the “launchUi” checkbox.

12. Ensure you have an Execution package with “Alchemy GridWorks” in your suite.

13. After configuring, proceed with generating and downloading the executables, then run them from the command line.

14. All the tests in the suite will be executed in the Alchemy cloud.

1 Votes



PrasadLangoju posted 6 months ago Answer

In Alchemy, API keys and secret keys are used for authentication and authorization purposes.

API Key: This is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user or application when making API requests. It allows the automation tool to interact with external services or platforms securely.

Secret Key: This is a confidential key used in conjunction with the API key to verify the authenticity of the request. It ensures that the request is coming from an authorized source. The secret key is used in cryptographic processes to generate signatures or hashes that validate the request.

These keys help ensure secure communication between the Alchemy and external services, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that requests are properly authenticated.

To get these keys,

1. Click on the “My Profile” section in the side menu of the Alchemy home page.

2.  You will be redirected to the Alchemy web interface.

3.  Select the “Security” tab.

4.  Click on the “Create Key” button.

5.  From the dropdown menu, choose the “Cloud Execution” option.

6.  Click the “Create” button.

7.  The API and Secret keys will be displayed.

8.  Save these keys in a secure location on your local system.

9.  Note that you will not be able to retrieve the same Secret key again, so ensure it is stored safely.

10.Open the “Alchemy GridWorks” integration and enter the API key and Secret key in the respective fields.

11. Check the “launchUi” checkbox.

12. Ensure you have an Execution package with “Alchemy GridWorks” in your suite.

13. After configuring, proceed with generating and downloading the executables, then run them from the command line.

14. All the tests in the suite will be executed in the Alchemy cloud.

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